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How-To-Radio: Durability

Is your radio tough enough?

It’s important to consider the conditions that the radio will be used in, before you invest in an expensive piece of communications equipment, only to find out that it isn’t up to the task. 

Your safest bet if you are in a line of work where your radio is likely to be damaged will be a ‘brick style’ radio. These don’t have a screen and are more sturdy and rugged than other radios that may have more features but are more prone to damage if not properly cared for. Brick style radios will still have important features such as man down, in order for them to still be safe in lone worker conditions.

This doesn’t mean you can’t use radios with screens in conjunction with the more simple radios however, for example, if there are several workers with the ‘brick’ variety in a team on a worksite, the site supervisor may want a radio with features such as viewable channel switching, in order to only talk to the relevant workers and see who is on the specific channel.

There are also a variety of cases and holsters that you can use to help further protect your radio, which you can order from our online store.

If you want to find out more or upgrade your communication system today, call us at 0800 947 426!

If you want to find out more or upgrade your communication system today, call us at 0800 947 426!


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